What's on the site?
Mariners represent a difficult group to research from the point of view of the family historian. I wanted to make information about our Welsh maritime ancestors more easily available to anyone researching their family and Welsh heritage, and so it seemed appropriate to develop this website and make the information on it freely available to all.More on the background to the index and the site is available here.
The core of the site is a database of (currently) 23,758 Welsh Merchant Mariners - masters, mates and engineers. A more detailed explanation of who is on the index and who is not is available here
As 2005 was the bicentenary year of the battle of Trafalgar the October 2005 update of our website now includes two separate searchable databases of Welsh mariners. These are the existing database of merchant seamen active from 1800 to 1945 and a new database of over 3000 men active in the Royal Navy from 1795 to 1815, which includes Welshmen at the battle of Trafalgar. More on the RN database.
Although the index contains a lot of information about many Welsh mariners, it is only part of the story. To find out about other sources of information about these men and Welsh maritime history, look here
Can you help? If you have any information that could be added to the index, please contact me. In particular, from time to time we hope to include pictorial enquiries on the website.
This site would not have been possible without help from many people
Disclaimer. No doubt some errors will have crept into this index. If you intend to carry out further research you are advised to get copies of the original documents.
Copyright: Unless indicated otherwise, all material on this site is copyright © 2002-2009 by Dr. Reginald Davies. All rights are reserved. The pages of this site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any manner. You cannot copy and publish my pages / index in any format but you may use the facts contained in the index for your own personal research.
Website designed and built by Nigel Callaghan of Technoleg Taliesin Cyf.